Patch Notes for 1.0.1

To ensure that CRISIS Command is able to be the best shape it can for all you phantoms out there, the following changes have been performed to the game:

- Fixed a bug discovered that will randomly crash the game when the Tower Topplier boss on the Tutorial stage dies when the player does. No more double KO for you Mister!
- Fixed a spike jump in the warehouse of the airport stage. Your toes will thank you later.
- Corrected Thach Reaver's super attack to fire the rockets he promised me
- Adjusted the Tiger Eel so he doesn't just stand there derping out as often
- Slightly adjusted the i-frames for the Tiger Eel so he doesn't feel so sad all the time
- Adjusted how dash jumps are calculated so performing it in sequential jumps is easier. Continue parkouring, you mad lads!
- Updated the Hawkopter and Minionwalker mini-bosses so they stop shooting over Astra's head and embarrassing me
- Hakon's jump is a lower smaller than before. He may not have skipped leg day but that was still ridiculous!
- Updated the plasma torch so the hit sfx is along the blade instead of that the hilt
- fixed some situations where Hakon can moonwalk after jumping. He's not supposed to be a smooth operator.
- death vacuums now have one weakness to exploit. Go find it!
- Corrected a rare crash that would happen when Hakon tried to stab the wall with a plasma torch
- Updated the temporary boundaries to stop allowing the player to escape after pausing the game during a boss fight. I didn't hear no bell, and you didn't either!
- Had an editor go over all the dialog so it makes sense.

Known issue I'm still working on:
- Sometimes the warning icon doesn't have its sound play
- rarely Astra will get her face stuck in an invisible boundary or tiny wall

If you find any issues with the game, please record them in the Bugs & Technical Issues sub-forum on Steam. I take all feedback and issues seriously and will triage them as I get them.


CRISIS Command Install.exe 31 MB
Sep 23, 2024

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